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The 2025-2026 English Language Fellow application is open. Learn More and Apply!

Fellow FAQs

In addition to browsing the frequently asked questions answered in this section, applicants can contact with questions at any time.

No. Applicants to the Fellow Program must be U.S. citizens. English Language Programs is a U.S. Department of State funded cultural exchange program designed to improve English teaching capacity around the world and contribute to mutual understanding between the people of the United States and people abroad.

Yes. Applicants with dual citizenship can apply to the Fellow Program as long as the United States is one of their countries of citizenship

A conferred graduate level degree or higher is required to apply for the Fellow Program. To meet the minimum eligibility requirements, your qualifying graduate level degree would ideally be in TESOL or a field related to English language teaching. However, if your graduate level degree is in a field unrelated to TESOL, you are eligible to apply if you also have one of the following credentials:

  • A recognized TESOL certificate with at least 120 course hours plus a supervised and observed practicum (additional information regarding certificates can be found in the Eligibility section of the Fellow Application Process page). Or,
  • A current, valid, and full state teacher credential, certification, or license with a specialization or an endorsement in ESL or the equivalent.

No. Your qualifying degree must be conferred by the time you submit your application.

There is no age limit for applicants. While the average age of participants is 40 years old, the age range of Fellows in a given academic year can be anywhere from late 20s to 80s.

Note that while age will not preclude you from consideration for the Fellow Program, it may prevent you from being considered for certain projects due to work visa or other restrictions in the host country.

The program does not provide any foreign language training or financial subsidies to offset the cost of language training, but many Fellows find opportunities independently to learn the language of their host country, either formally (courses), or informally (exchanging lessons or tutoring, or joining conversation clubs with neighbors or colleagues). 

Language skills beyond English are not required to apply to the program. While speaking another language can be beneficial in certain regions, it does not increase your chances of placement in a certain country due to knowing the local language. You should list any languages spoken and level of proficiency, in your application.

Competitive Fellow applications provide evidence of qualities such as flexibility, cultural adaptability, resourcefulness, and the desire and ability to live and travel abroad. Serving as a Fellow involves demanding work, often in challenging and unpredictable situations. Fellows are successful when they can adjust to a different culture and level of material comfort, as well as ever-changing social and political climates. Additionally, project descriptions that are available during the selection process are subject to change and may differ from the needs of the host institution once the Fellow arrives.

Former English Language Programs participants who owe funds to English Language Programs are not eligible for consideration to participate in new English Language Programs projects for which they are qualified until the entirety of the owed funds are repaid.

No.  English Language Fellows cannot participate in other Department of State programs at the same time.  View the complete list of Department of State exchange programs on the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Alphabetical List of Programs site.

Life in the Life Video - Fellows in Jordan

A Day in the Life of a Fellow

Watch the Playlist

Before you apply

Fellow giving an interview to a reporter

Fellow Program

Return to the Fellow Program page for details about program benefits and previews of stories about Fellows.
Review Program Overview
Fellow sitting at a festive table topped with local cuisine. The Fellow is sitting between 4 others, 1 of whom is holding a stringed instrument.

Application Process

Review program eligibility and the steps involved in applying on the Application Process page.
Review Application Process
Fellow smiling next to a poster display of her printed article

News & Events

Browse News and Events for updates about participants in the news and events for applicants and alumni.
Read More News & Events
Fellow in Palestine Territory enjoys end of project celebration with teachers

Ready to Apply?

When you first access the English Language Programs Portal, you will need to create an account. Once you've done that, the system will guide you through the process. If you have questions, please contact us at

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This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by Georgetown University, Center for Intercultural Education and Development.

All decisions related to participant terms (including candidate review, selection, funding, suspension, revocation, and termination) and all criteria related thereto are made and established by the U.S. Department of State.