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The 2025-2026 English Language Fellow application is open. Learn More and Apply!

The Specialist Program is seeking applicants with expertise in artificial intelligence!

Specialist Program

Specialists are top-tier TESOL experts who lead intensive, high-level English language projects, including curriculum development, materials design, and ESP program implementation. Specialist projects vary in length from two weeks to three months, and may be in-country or virtual.

What Do Specialists Do?

Specialist projects are designed by U.S. Embassies for ministries of education, teachers' associations, and other education partners, with a wide range of project subjects, as this carousel illustrates.

From new friends in the office to new pals in the pasture, our Specialists are always up for an adventure!

Specialist projects often involve state-level administrators, such as Qatar's Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

Needs assessment is a component of many Specialist projects, like this virtual workshop series in Pakistan.

Many Specialist projects focus on the professional development of in-service teachers and teacher trainers.

Specialists are often invited to be the keynote speaker at conferences, such as the International Vietnamese Conference on TESOL.

This Specialist focused on bringing STEM concepts into English-language learning via a series of teacher training workshops.

Specialist schedules are often packed - with panel discussions and workshops coming together for a whirlwind in-person experience.

Specialists create opportunities for colleagues to share, discuss, and collaborate.

Sharing a meal with organizers and participants is a very important part of any successful teacher training project.

For Specialists, a schedule that begins with a large group training may end with one-to-one consultations.

Specialists work with partner programs such as the English Access Scholarship Program on a wide range of topics.

As many Specialists know, group selfies are a great way to wrap up a job well done!

From new friends in the office to new pals in the pasture, our Specialists are always up for an adventure!

Specialist projects often involve state-level administrators, such as Qatar's Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

Needs assessment is a component of many Specialist projects, like this virtual workshop series in Pakistan.

Many Specialist projects focus on the professional development of in-service teachers and teacher trainers.

Specialists are often invited to be the keynote speaker at conferences, such as the International Vietnamese Conference on TESOL.

This Specialist focused on bringing STEM concepts into English-language learning via a series of teacher training workshops.

Specialist schedules are often packed - with panel discussions and workshops coming together for a whirlwind in-person experience.

Specialists create opportunities for colleagues to share, discuss, and collaborate.

Specialist Program


English Language Specialists receive a generous benefits package for the valuable role they play in U.S. Embassy programming, and in achieving U.S. Department of State public diplomacy goals. 

  • Benefits depend on whether the Specialist project includes in-country activities, virtual activities, or a combination of both; the location of the project; etc. The final benefits package is outlined in the agreement Specialists receive from the program. 
  • Refer to the appropriate English Language Specialist Program Policy Handbook for more information on taxes and withholdings, and the benefits that are considered taxable income. Specialists are not employed by the U.S. government, the cooperating agency, or any agency or government of the country(ies) of assignment. Specialists are considered grantees and, for tax purposes, suppliers or independent contractors.
Specialist Program

Learn More

The following page provides detailed information about Specialist Program eligibility and the application process.

Review Application Process

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This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by Georgetown University, Center for Intercultural Education and Development.

All decisions related to participant terms (including candidate review, selection, funding, suspension, revocation, and termination) and all criteria related thereto are made and established by the U.S. Department of State.