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The 2025-2026 English Language Fellow application is open. Learn More and Apply!

The Specialist Program is seeking applicants with expertise in artificial intelligence!

Specialist Application Process

The application process provides multiple opportunities for applicants to illustrate their qualifications and demonstrate their interest in the Specialist Program. The first step is documenting eligibility.

Specialist Program


The English Language Specialist Program matches top-tier TESOL experts to intensive, high level in-country and virtual projects. Those in the available candidate pool must be available on short notice for in-country projects of up to three months, virtual projects of varying lengths, or mixed (a combination of in-country and virtual activities)

Specialist applicants must demonstrate that they have:

  • U.S. citizenship.
  • A conferred graduate level degree or higher in TESOL, applied linguistics, or a related field to English language teaching.
  • A minimum of 10 years of full-time, post-bachelor’s degree teaching experience.
  • Demonstrated experience conducting English language teacher training.
  • Experience presenting at professional conferences in TESOL, applied linguistics, or a related field to English language teaching.
  • A demonstrated commitment to the field of English language teaching.

Applicants must meet the minimum eligibility requirements, but almost all candidates who are identified as potential matches for Specialist projects also demonstrate many of the preferred qualifications.

Special Requirements

In some cases, projects have additional requirements and restrictions related to, among others, education or employment history, medical conditions, conviction history, or age (related to local labor laws).

While these factors will not preclude an applicant from consideration for the program, they may prevent an applicant from being considered for certain projects. For example, some countries may have specific requirements to apply for a visa or a project may require someone with a very specific educational background.


Medical Clearance

All candidates who are selected for a Specialist project with in-country activity dates of any length must complete a Health Verification Form (HVF) and submit it to the cooperating agency by the date stated in their acceptance letter. All offers are conditional pending medical clearance. Selected candidates whose HVFs are not cleared will be notified and their offer to participate in the program will be rescinded.

Eligibility Restrictions

Applicants should note the following: 

  • English Language Fellows, Specialists, and Virtual Educators are not permitted to engage in overlapping projects between, or within, the three programs.
  • Specialists who will have an overlapping full-time employment contract with or will be employed by another U.S. Government agency during a project agreement period, are required either to waive the stipend portions of the agreement or to take an unpaid leave of absence from the other U.S. Government agency for the duration of the overlapping period.
  • English Language Fellows, Specialists, and Virtual Educators cannot participate in or have an open award with any other U.S. Department of State-funded exchange program(s) during their agreement period.
  • Former English Language Programs participants who owe funds to English Language Programs are not eligible for consideration to participate in new English Language Programs projects for which they are qualified until the entirety of the owed funds are repaid.
Specialist Program

Application Process

Applicants should review the eligibility requirements before submitting an application.

Applicants must meet the minimum eligibility requirements, but many Specialists also present with the preferred qualifications. While meeting the minimum eligibility requirements is sufficient to be admitted into the available candidate pool, it may not be sufficient to get matched to a project. Applicants are therefore strongly encouraged to provide ample detail in their applications/CVs regarding the breadth and depth of their TESOL expertise.

Specialist Program

Review, Matching, and Selection

1. Review

Complete applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and in the order that they are submitted, to determine whether they meet program eligibility requirements, and if there is evidence of the experience and qualities required to be a Specialist.

Applicants are notified by email when a determination is made regarding eligibility and whether they will be included in the available candidate pool. Applicants can also track the status of their application review online, by logging in to the English Language Programs Portal.

Being placed in the available candidate pool does not guarantee that an applicant will be matched to, or ultimately selected for, a Specialist project.

If an application does not meet the minimum eligibility requirements, the applicant will be notified via email that the applicant is not being added to the available candidate pool. Applicants are encouraged to review their materials and consider reapplying once they are able to demonstrate the minimum eligibility requirements.

2. Matching

Applications that are moved to the available candidate pool are considered eligible for project matching, which is conducted on an as-needed basis. Being placed in the available candidate pool does not guarantee that an applicant will be matched to, or ultimately selected for, a Specialist project. Candidates will remain in the available candidate pool indefinitely unless they choose to withdraw their applications. As such, it is imperative that those in the pool update their credentials in their applications regularly.

U.S. Embassies submit requests for English Language Specialist projects throughout the year. The program then reviews the available candidate pool for candidates with a professional match between their skills and experience and the needs and requirements of the project.

If a candidate’s skill set is matched to the specific needs and qualifications of a project, the candidate will be contacted by email to verify the candidate's interest in, and availability for, the project. This email is NOT a notification of selection.

The interest and availability email contains information about the project format, location, and a general description of the project’s duties. Candidates are asked to confirm whether they would like to be considered further for the project, at which point they move to the selection phase, or they can request that they be withdrawn from consideration for that project. If a request is made to withdraw, the application will be placed back into the available candidate pool for consideration, but there is no guarantee of another match.

Specialist project requests from U.S. Embassies are typically received no more than three months prior to the project start dates. As each Specialist project is unique and has different required Specialist qualifications, it is not possible to anticipate if, or when, a candidate may be contacted regarding a project.

Those in the available candidate pool are encouraged to update their application in the English Language Programs Portal semi-annually to ensure consideration for projects that match their most up-to-date qualifications and availability.

3. Selection

If a candidate confirms interest in and availability for a Specialist project match, the candidate's information is forwarded to the relevant U.S. Embassy for final consideration, along with a roster of other qualified applicants. The U.S. Embassy may reach out to the candidate and arrange an interview to discuss the project in more detail.

U.S. Embassies make the final selection decisions for all English Language Specialist Program projects. Candidates will be notified by email of the final selection decision. Those who are not selected will be placed back into the available candidate pool, but there is no guarantee of another match.

Those in the available candidate pool are encouraged to update their application in the English Language Programs Portal semi-annually to ensure consideration for projects that match their most up-to-date qualifications and availability.

Specialist Program


English Language Programs Logo - red


The Specialist policy handbook is a compendium of the current program policies and processes for selected Specialists.

Health Verification Form (HVF)

Candidates selected for a Specialist project with in-country dates of any length must complete an HVF and submit it to the cooperating agency by the due date specified in their acceptance letter. Offers to participate in the program are conditional, pending medical clearance.

Specialist Program

Need More Information?

The Specialist FAQs page provides answers to commonly asked questions.

View Specialist Program FAQs

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This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by Georgetown University, Center for Intercultural Education and Development.

All decisions related to participant terms (including candidate review, selection, funding, suspension, revocation, and termination) and all criteria related thereto are made and established by the U.S. Department of State.