Fellow Phebe Shen brought 54 pre-service teachers in her oral communication class to the Rahmi Koc Museum in Ankara, Turkey. The oral communication students were preparing for their final oral presentation about creating a time capsule for the class. Visiting the museum allowed students to see objects that were collected from the past, and also to think about why we preserve certain things in museums.
Shen helped build awareness in students by having them recognize what is valuable in their own lives and cultures. Students discussed the purpose of museums and compared this particular museum to the British Museum’s 100 Objects that represent humanity. The field-trip provided students with an opportunity to develop their analytical skills and engage with their presentation topic.
After the museum visit, students visited the Ankara castle located in the historic part of town. Students were able to observe the beauty of the structure but also the damage it had sustained over time due to graffiti. Through these activities, students fostered skills that will be critical in helping them become effective teachers.