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Master ClassSocial-Emotional LearningSpecialist

Explore Social-Emotional Learning and Trauma-Sensitive Teaching Practices with the 2023 Specialist Master Class

The 2023 Specialist Master Class “Social-Emotional Learning and Trauma-Sensitive Practices in English Language Teaching,” featuring English Language Specialists Janine Darragh and Luis Javier Pentón Herrera, was launched on the Community of Practice in November 2023. In six video sessions, Darragh and Pentón Herrera provide tools and perspectives for introducing, developing, and implementing sustainable social-emotional learning (SEL) and trauma-sensitive teaching practices in English language learning spaces worldwide, with special consideration for contexts of crisis and teacher well-being. The presenters encourage teachers to examine the unique supports and constraints that shape their own teaching contexts and provide tools for teachers to evaluate their existing practices and tailor SEL and trauma-sensitive teaching practices to their own curricula and classrooms.

“This course has been a game-changer for me, shedding light on crucial strategies to enhance student well-being and create an inclusive learning environment. […] Grateful for the awareness and tools gained from this course, I am now better equipped to meet the diverse learning needs of my students. Also, the final module on teacher self-care provided me with assessment strategies for my wellness and ways to prevent burnout.”

Anne Haggerson, Virtual Educator, Mexico, 2023-2024. See full testimonial here.

Video sessions from the course are now publicly available on YouTube. We encourage viewers to engage with and disseminate course content and share their thoughts in the comments section below each video. This Specialist Master Class is valuable for teachers and teacher educators operating within a wide range of contexts. Follow the YouTube Playlist of recorded sessions to develop a deeper understanding of how to integrate SEL and trauma-sensitive practices into your pedagogy.

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This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by Georgetown University, Center for Intercultural Education and Development.

All decisions related to participant terms (including candidate review, selection, funding, suspension, revocation, and termination) and all criteria related thereto are made and established by the U.S. Department of State.