During a recent visit to Ulaan Baatar, English Language Fellow Jenna Thompson visited the American Corner and shared her experiences of being a Peace Corps Volunteer (PVC) in West Africa and how it led to her solo bike trip from Thailand to England.
This massive, seven-month long trip took her through difficult terrain in Tibet, China, and countless other countries. Thompson discussed how difficult yet rewarding experiences gave her the confidence to venture out of her comfort zone. During the session, she discussed the different challenges she faced and how she overcame them. Using photos from her journey, Thompson shared stories about obstacles she encountered in China, crossing The Gobi, and the Russian couple who inspired her to keep going when she wanted to quit.
She also discussed the most memorable parts of her journey, which were the people she met and the strangers who invited her in for a meal or welcomed her in their homes. After her presentation, Jenna answered questions from the audience before doing interviews with local newspaper, radio and TV stations.
The full article, which was published in The UB Post in Mongolia, can be found here.