“I’m finally going to start writing.”
It’s the sort of feedback every writing teacher wants to hear. And it’s the feedback one of the participants gave after English Language Fellow Katherine Carter’s writing and revision workshop.
Carter presented the 12-part series, “Writing your journal article in 12 weeks,” for staff members of the Department of Languages at the Polytechnic of Namibia in the capital city of Windhoek.
The workshop’s goal was to assist staff in revising a conference paper, unpublished article, chapter, or thesis and sending it to the editor of an academic journal.
Since revision is the heart of good writing, much of the workshop was devoted to ‘deep revision’ as a key to publication. The sessions also looked at ways of teaching revision skills to students at the undergraduate level.
The attendees were effusive in their praise after the workshop: “I feel motivated and encouraged, knowing that publishing is actually possible.”