High school teachers in Indonesia learned a diverse set of approaches to teaching English in a multi-level class setting as a result of the workshop English Language Fellow Jeremy Beal conducted. With the help of Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Mark Mock, workshop participants discussed different ways to engage students of various proficiency levels within a single class setting.
Fellows in Indonesia tend to work primarily with university-level teachers and may not have many chances to work with secondary teachers. Beal hosted the workshop in an effort to help Indonesian high school teachers develop classroom activities ideal for teaching students with varying language ability. The session helped teachers take practical steps to ensure that all of their students have valuable learning experiences in the classroom and meet course objectives regardless of their English speaking skill level.
At the conclusions of the workshop, teachers expressed their appreciation for the event. One teacher expressed how eager he was to incorporate a speaking warm-up he had learned into his lesson plans. Another teacher called the workshop “a once in a lifetime opportunity.”