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Training tutors at a writing center in Bangladesh

Tutors at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh Writing Lab attended a training workshop in December led by English Language Fellow Christina Torres.

The workshop familiarized student volunteers and faculty from several departments with tutoring procedures for the new Writing Lab at their university. Faculty-nominated student tutors participated in a concurrent session led by English Language Fellow Maggie Espino on similar topics. “The university really needs a way to help students with their English skills. This is an important project,” one faculty volunteer said.

Faculty and students used articles and student essays from former semesters to discuss tutoring topics that included the writing lab’s vision and goals, higher order and lower order corrections, and editing versus tutoring. The student tutors practiced what they learned by participating in mock tutoring sessions. This workshop provided student tutors an outlet to practice their own English skills and to prepare for future teaching careers.

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This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by Georgetown University, Center for Intercultural Education and Development.

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