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The 2025-2026 English Language Fellow application is open. Learn More and Apply!

The 2025-2026 Virtual Educator application is open. Apply today!

Virtual Educator Program

Virtual Educators are experienced and dedicated English language educators with an MA, preferably in TESOL or a related field. Virtual Educator projects range in length from a few weeks to a semester. Projects include online English language teaching, teacher training, and cultural exchange.

What Do Virtual Educators Do?

Virtual Educator projects provide multiple opportunities for developing new approaches to teaching and online engagement as this carousel illustrates.
Graphic advertising online event at Kazakhstan American Corner

A local Kazakh musician and high school student were speakers at a webinar for the Nur-Sultan American Corner.

A Virtual Educator sits at her dual screen laptop workstation and faces the camera.

Virtual Educators set up their workspace at home or another personal space using their own equipment.

Virtual Educator in Zoom breakout room with teacher trainees

Online breakout rooms ensure that students have more opportunity to use their language skills.

Graphic promoting Virtual Educator conference sponsored by Regional English Language Officer

Virtual Educators often collaborate with their Regional English Language Office on online conferences.

Virtual Educator on Zoom with teachers

Students in Turkey participated in a literary-themed scavenger hunt for an online English Book Club.

Coffee cups often appear in Virtual Educators photos, with project hours occurring at all hours of the day.

Graphic advertising online event at Kazakhstan American Corner

A local Kazakh musician and high school student were speakers at a webinar for the Nur-Sultan American Corner.

A Virtual Educator sits at her dual screen laptop workstation and faces the camera.

Virtual Educators set up their workspace at home or another personal space using their own equipment.

Virtual Educator in Zoom breakout room with teacher trainees

Online breakout rooms ensure that students have more opportunity to use their language skills.

Graphic promoting Virtual Educator conference sponsored by Regional English Language Officer

Virtual Educators often collaborate with their Regional English Language Office on online conferences.

Virtual Educator on Zoom with teachers

Students in Turkey participated in a literary-themed scavenger hunt for an online English Book Club.

Coffee cups often appear in Virtual Educators photos, with project hours occurring at all hours of the day.

Graphic advertising online event at Kazakhstan American Corner

A local Kazakh musician and high school student were speakers at a webinar for the Nur-Sultan American Corner.

A Virtual Educator sits at her dual screen laptop workstation and faces the camera.

Virtual Educators set up their workspace at home or another personal space using their own equipment.

Virtual Educator Program


Virtual English Language Educators receive a generous benefits package for the valuable role they play in U.S. Embassy programming, and in achieving U.S. Department of State public diplomacy goals.

The final benefits package is outlined in the agreement Virtual Educators receive from the program. 

Refer to the Virtual English Language Educator Program Policy Handbook for more information on taxes and withholdings, and the benefits that are considered taxable income. Virtual Educators are not employed by the U.S. government, the cooperating agency, or any agency or government of the country(ies) of assignment. Virtual Educators are considered grantees and, for tax purposes, suppliers or independent contractors.

A Virtual Educator sits at her laptop facing the camera.

Learn More

The following page provides detailed information about eligibility and the application process.

Review Application Process

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This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by Georgetown University, Center for Intercultural Education and Development.

All decisions related to participant terms (including candidate review, selection, funding, suspension, revocation, and termination) and all criteria related thereto are made and established by the U.S. Department of State.