Our History
Since 1969, English Language Programs, funded by the U.S. Department of State, has placed thousands of highly qualified and experienced U.S. educators in the field of TESOL on in-person and virtual projects to assist U.S. Embassies in delivering and maintaining quality English language programs and supporting public diplomacy initiatives.
The English Language Fellow Program began in 1969, celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2019. The English Language Specialist Program followed in 1991, celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2021. The Virtual English Language Educator Program is the newest program, with its launch in 2022.
More about Who We Are
- English Language Programs is funded by the U.S. Department of State<\/a> through the Office of English Language Programs<\/a> in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs<\/a>. English Language Programs is administered by the Center for Intercultural Education and Development<\/a> at Georgetown University.<\/p>\n","uid":"ff8d9645-2e13-43a3-8d7e-2ffef3059e1f"}; open = false" role="tab" :aria-selected="0 == active" aria-controls="panel-ff8d9645-2e13-43a3-8d7e-2ffef3059e1f" id="tab-ff8d9645-2e13-43a3-8d7e-2ffef3059e1f" tabindex="0" @keydown.enter="active = 0"> Funding and Administration
- For information about individual programs, contact:<\/p>\n
\nvirtualeducator@elprograms.org<\/p>\n","uid":"71d7ded2-b982-4d25-bbcc-77933e7d8699"}; open = false" role="tab" :aria-selected="1 == active" aria-controls="panel-71d7ded2-b982-4d25-bbcc-77933e7d8699" id="tab-71d7ded2-b982-4d25-bbcc-77933e7d8699" tabindex="0" @keydown.enter="active = 1"> Contact Us - For information about individual programs, contact:<\/p>\n
\nvirtualeducator@elprograms.org<\/p>\n","uid":"71d7ded2-b982-4d25-bbcc-77933e7d8699"}; open = false" role="tab" :aria-selected="1 == active" aria-controls="panel-71d7ded2-b982-4d25-bbcc-77933e7d8699" id="tab-71d7ded2-b982-4d25-bbcc-77933e7d8699" tabindex="0" @keydown.enter="active = 1" aria-selected="false"> Contact Us
English Language Programs is funded by the U.S. Department of State through the Office of English Language Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. English Language Programs is administered by the Center for Intercultural Education and Development at Georgetown University.